Care Commission rates Highland Fostering and Adoption Services as excellent.

A report published by the Care Commission on their inspections of The Highland Council’s Fostering and Adoption Services has rated the service as “excellent” on all quality indicators.

Members of the Council’s Housing and Social Work committee welcomed the findings of the report and commended carers, staff and managers for their work.

The Care Commission report relates to an annual inspection that took place during August / September 2009.

Commenting on the Council’s fostering service the reported stated that:

The Commission’s report on the Council’s Adoption Service noted that “…the Adoption Service provides an excellent service to the children, young people and to the adopters it supports; that staff receive a high level of support from the management team, and encourages feedback and  suggestions, encouraging them to participate in the development of the

No recommendations or requirements were made of the Council’s Fostering and Adoption Services.

Welcoming the outcomes of the Care Commission report Councillor Margaret Davidson, Chair of The Highland Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee said: “I commend everyone involved in the fostering and adoption services for all their hard work and dedication. It’s hard to improve on straight 6 scores of excellent across the board but we shall not be complacent. This excellent report means that we are now well placed to deal with drug and alcohol abusive parents by providing supportive fostering and adoption for this vulnerable group of families throughout the Highlands.”

20 May 2010