Music group competition hots up with audition day

Saturday (29 May) will see hundreds of talented young musicians descend on Millburn Academy in Inverness as they vie for coveted places in one of the eight Regional Music Groups run as an extension to the instrumental Tuition Service of Highland Council.

Membership for all the groups is by audition and invitation after this annual Audition Day and members are drawn from all areas of Highland.  Places are available in the Highland Regional Youth Orchestra; Highland Schools Wind Band; Highland Youth String Orchestra; Highland Youth Big Band; ‘snas ceilidh Band; Highland Youth Pipe Band; the regional Gaelic choir, Còisir G; and new for 2010/11, the Highland Youth Choir.

Regional Groups provide an ideal extension to the many school and Area groups which already exist.  They are an ideal opportunity for members to make friends amongst like-minded musicians.  Many members of Highland Regional Music Groups are also members of national instrumental & vocal ensembles.

Due to the nature of Highland geography, the groups meet for intensive rehearsal weekends rather than weekly practices. 

Concert and rehearsal plans for next session are already in place.  November will see all the Groups performing at Aviemore’s MacDonald Highland Resort, with spring concerts scheduled for March 2011 in The Drumossie Hotel, Inverness.

The Council’s Music Development Officer Norman Bolton said:  “It is a credit to the reputation of our Regional Music Groups and the high standards at which they perform that an ever-increasing number of professional musicians are asking to come up and work with the Groups.”

Late applicants are welcome for any of the Groups and details can be obtained by contacting Angeline Walker on 01349 863441

24 May 2010