The Place To Be!

Today Alness was the place to be as the popular youth centre, The Place, reopened after a £120,000 refurbishment. For the last 16 years the building on Alness High Street has been the focus for hundreds of young people who have taken part in a wide range of sporting and arts activities.

A schedule for a phased refurbishment were already in the pipe-line when a fire in the adjacent boiler room last May broke out and the whole building was forced to close. The Highland Council took the decision to carry out all the planned works in one fell swoop which has resulted in a complete over-haul.

The renovation work has been funded by The Highland Council with support from Communities Scotland’s Community Regeneration Fund. Additional support has come from Children In Need, the Diageo Foundation and Technip Off-Shore UK Ltd.

As well as redecoration throughout, a new fully fitted kitchen and a new toilet block with facilities for disabled people have been installed, mains gas heating put in and all the electrics upgraded.

Area Chairman of The Highland Council’s Ross and Cromarty Committee, Councillor Carolyn Wilson attended the official opening. She said: "For many years The Place has been a popular focal point of the community – a place for young people to meet and take part in activities. I thank the young people of Alness for their patience during the renovation work and I am sure they will all agree that the new facilities are a great improvement."

Youth worker Janette Douglas said: "Everyone is delighted to have The Place back in use. It is the umbrella organisation for a wide range of events and activities for young people and is run by a committee which includes representatives from the youth groups.

"Regular groups include a music group, a drama group and a club for young mums. As well as participating in organised activities young people can also use The Place as a meeting place and drop-in centre. They can pick up leaflets and get advice on a wide range of topics."

As part of the opening ceremony, two short films produced by young people were shown and two local bands entertained guests.

24 Apr 2006