Highland Wide Local Development Plan to be discussed at joint Caithness Wards Forum

The Highland Council’s, Highland Wide Local Development Plan is the main topic to be discussed at a joint Caithness Wards Forum being held on Monday 15 November at 7.30 pm in the Mackays Hotel, Wick.

The Highland Wide Local Development Plan, represents the Council’s land use vision, strategy and principal, general policies for the whole Highland Council area except that part within the Cairngorms National Park Authority boundary.
Due to the strategic topic of the main agenda item the three Caithness Wards (Thurso, Wick and Landward) are having a joint meeting.

Also on the agenda will be a full community safety report from Northern Constabulary.

As with all Ward Forums, there will also be an opportunity to discuss any issues of concern that members of the public wish to raise.

For further information on the Joint Caithness Wards Forum please contact: David Sutherland, Caithness Wards Manager tel: 01955 607740.

Also on 15 November, members of the public can attend drop-in sessions from 1pm -6pm at The Assembly Rooms, Wick where Council Development Plans Team staff will be on hand to answer questions.

There will also be drop-in sessions on Wednesday 10th November from 1pm to 6pm at Caithness Horizons, Thurso.

For further information on the drop-in sessions please contact the Development Plans Team on 01463 702261 or emailing: devplans@highland.gov.uk

9 Nov 2010