hub North board selects preferred bidder

The North Territory hub Programme Board has announced that Alba Community Partnerships (comprising of Cyril Sweett Investments Ltd and Miller Corporate Holdings, part of The Miller Group) has been selected as the preferred bidder for the hub North Territory.

hub North was the second hub territory to move into procurement and expects to deliver projects with an estimated value of £435 million over the next 10 years. Today’s announcement is a significant milestone for the hub programme with construction on the first project in the North Territory starting in 2011. 

hub projects will be delivered through a joint venture company (hubco) formed between the public sector bodies and a private sector development partner, which in the North Territory will be Alba Community Partnerships. The hub initiative brings Scotland’s public sector bodies together to deliver a wide range of joint services to achieve better value for money and continuous improvement. 

hub North Territory partners are:  Aberdeen City Council; Aberdeenshire Council; Argyll and Bute Council; Comhairle nan Eilean Siar; Grampian Fire and Rescue Service; Grampian Police; The Highland Council; Highland and Islands Fire and Rescue Services; The Moray Council; NHS Grampian; NHS Highland; NHS Orkney; NHS Shetland; NHS Western Isles; Northern Constabulary; Orkney Island Council; Scottish Ambulance Service; and Shetland Islands Council.

Alba Community Partnerships has been selected after rigorous procurement process carried out by the public sector bodies in the North hub Territory. North Territory hub Programme Board, chaired by Gerry Donald from NHS Grampian, approved the selection. The North Territory hub Programme Board consists of members of the 18 public sector bodies in the North Territory area. 

The North Territory hub Programme Board will now work with Alba Community Partnerships to create the joint venture company and start delivering initial projects during 2011. 

Across the North Territory area, Alba Community Partnerships have already identified in excess of 100 contractors, suppliers and consultants interested and capable of completing the work across all parts of the territory. These businesses range from those based: Shetland, Thurso, Elgin, Aberdeen Stornoway, Orkney, Inverness, Moray, Ullapool, Fort William and The Western Isles. 

The supply chain will remain flexible and contractors/consultants can apply to join the hubco supply chain by contacting Alba.

Gerry Donald, from NHS Grampian who chairs the North Territory hub Programme Board, said: “The Territory Partners are looking forward to working with Alba Community Partnerships, with its far reaching and dynamic approach, to deliver better value for money buildings which will facilitate and enhance joint working across the public sector to the benefit of our communities.”

Derek Sharkey, Bid Director of Alba Community Partnerships, said: “We are delighted with this appointment and look forward to working with the Public Sector Partners to finalise North hubco.  Once this process is completed we will be looking to commence delivery of these important projects which will generate multiple benefits for the communities which we will serve, whilst providing value for money.

“We have already commenced dialogue with a number of local businesses within the Territory who are well placed to become part of the teams for each project, in turn enhancing employment opportunities and the local economy.” 

Barry White, Chief Executive of the Scottish Futures Trust, said: “This is a great achievement for the North Territory hub Programme Board. I look forward to the north hubco working with local suppliers and contractors to deliver quality buildings to supply better public services for people right across the North hub Territory.”

In March 2010 £6.5m start-up funding was granted for the initial hub projects in the North Territory. The initial North projects are (estimated project values in brackets):

• Aberdeen Health Village (£29 million)
• Ardseileach Core and Cluster Resettlement (£3 million)
• Tain Replacement Health Centre (£6 million)
• Woodside Medical Group (£7 million)

The hub initiative plans to deliver more than £1 billion of new community infrastructure across Scotland though the five hub areas.

10 Nov 2010