Review of day and community support services in Lochaber

A  review of day and community support services in Lochaber has resulted in changes which The Highland Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee believe will improve community services. 

In Fort William, day and community services are provided at the Angus Centre, catering for people with learning disabilities; the Montrose Centre, supporting people with dementia; and Caol Community Centre, where a lunch club for older people is supported. 

The Committee has agreed to consider establishing an outreach base for the needs of people with learning disabilities and to close and sell the Angus Centre. 

It also agreed to move the dementia day centre from the Montrose Centre to Invernevis House, where dedicated space has been identified within existing accommodation to meet service user needs. 

And finally it was agreed that work is undertaken to support community groups to organise lunch clubs across Great Fort William, and that the Council engage with local councillors and the local community to discuss the future running of the Caol Community Centre, where options for future use, including  community ownership, should be pursued. 

The Committee made clear that it intends that the Caol Community Centre continues to act as the hub of the village and a valued resource for the town.  The Council will support the users of the centre and local groups to maintain current activities, and ensure that they are sustainable into the future. 

The matter is set to be discussed at a Lochaber Ward Forum on 8 February next year, at which the Chairman of the Housing and Social Work Committee, Councillor Margaret Davidson,  and senior officials will attend. 

10 Nov 2010