Tenants offered incentive to downsize

Highland council house tenants , who have spare accommodation, are to be offered an incentive to move to a smaller council home that better meets their needs.

The Highland Council’s Housing and Social work Committee today (Wednesday) agreed a downsizing policy to encourage and support tenants of Highland Housing Register landlords to transfer to a smaller home.

The scheme will provide a mix of financial and practical help to people who want to move to a smaller home.  For example, a payment of £1,500 will be made to tenants, based on moving to a house which is two bedrooms smaller.  Each additional bedroom freed up would attract an additional payment.

The policy will be introduced over an initial six-month period, funded to a maximum of £75,000.

Councillor Margaret Davidson, Chairman of the Housing and Social Work Committee said:  “This type of approach will be a real help to some of our older tenants and also has the potential to help make best use of our housing stock, at a time of huge pressure on affordable housing."

The scheme is available now and is open to tenants of all 6 Highland Housing Register landlords namely The Highland Council; Cairn Housing Association; Albyn Housing Society; Lochalsh & Skye Housing Association; Lochaber Housing Association and Pentland Housing Association.

10 Nov 2010