Closure of Kinlochleven High School, Primary School, Nursery and Community Library Facility

Kinlochleven High School, Primary School, Nursery and Community Library Facility will be closed on Thursday 11 November and Friday 12 November as work continues to disinfect the plumbing system after contamination was found in the hot and cold water supplies. 

Routine regular monitoring identified the presence of Legionella species bacteria in the school water supply.  After consulting the NHS Highland public health department, The Highland Council took the decision to close the school complex until an intensive cleaning operation is completed.  It is hoped to reopen the school on Monday 15 November. 

Should any of the Kinlochleven community and building users have any health concerns regarding this incident , they are advised to contact their local General Practitioner for further health guidance. 

A Council spokesman said: “As a precautionary measure, the building will be closed to allow disinfection of water systems to take place. This disinfection will be completed by Monday 15 November  when the building should reopen. Guidance that has been given is that the health risks are currently low but as an additional precautionary measure, showers etc. will remain out of use until the sampling taken at the end of disinfection has been analysed. This will take up to 10 days.” 

10 Nov 2010