Funding still available in Highland Council Dingwall and Seaforth discretionary budget

At a recent Highland Council Dingwall and Seaforth Ward Forum, information was distributed on awards made from the Ward Discretionary Budget since April 2010.  Of a total £59,659 budget, almost 67% (£40,000) has already been distributed in the first six months of this financial year.

Among groups and projects to benefit has been the popular Muir of Ord Jog Scotland Group that received funding to assist with local Jog Leader training.  Dingwall Museum received assistance both for a very successful transport exhibition and for new museum brochures.  Conon Bridge Community Council applied for funding for a project to light up the village War Memorial and Muir of Ord Community Council obtained a grant for a Winter Lighting Festival which they hope will bring an exciting display to the local community over the festive season.

Dingwall Scouts and Cubs, Dingwall Community Centre and Urray and Kilchrist Church of Scotland have received grants to match funding from Community Energy Scotland. These grants will be used to carry out essential insulation work to improve the energy efficiency of heating their buildings especially in future winter months.

There are some exciting projects in the pipeline such as the Muir of Ord Gardening Club’s ambitious plans to give the village centre a lift next year with a new planter scheme.  They have received funding from the discretionary budget and hope to be successful when an application for LEADER funding is assessed by the local Dingwall and Seaforth Development Partnership on 23 November.

Dingwall and Seaforth Highland Councillors are keen to see the Ward discretionary budget go as far as possible with match funding. In previous financial years the budget has more than doubled contributions for the local area.

There is still some funding available for the current financial year.  Highland Council Ward Manager, Liz Cowie, can be contacted for information on how to apply on 01349 868681 or via the Council’s website at:

15 Nov 2010