Council to press Network Rail for improved safety measures

Members of The Highland Council’s Transport Environmental and Community Services Committee have agreed that the Council will write to Network Rail to press for improved safety measures at automatic open level crossings in the Highlands.

The action follows an update to members on the report by the Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) into the fatal accident at the Halkirk level crossing in September 2009.

The RAIB made six recommendations to Network Rail including the requirement for a risk assessment of the level crossing and the maintenance of the road traffic lights backboards.

In their report, the RAIB recommended that “Network Rail should obtain a full understanding of the risk at the Halkirk crossing with the result that more costly risk reduction measures such as the installation of half barriers might be justified”.

Councillor John Laing, Chairman of The Highland Council’s TEC Services Committee said: “We are committed to campaigning for safety improvements at open level crossings in the Highlands where there is a history of fatal and serious accidents.”

Members of the TECS Committee also agreed that the Council will develop its partnership working with Network Rail to deliver safety improvements in the Highlands.

18 Nov 2010