Dance Platform 2010

170 pupils took to the Nevis Centre stage in Fort William recently to perform to a packed and appreciative audience at this year’s Dance Platform.

The event is a firm favourite in The Highland Council’s Active School’s calendar.  Groups of girls at Lochaber High School come together every year to choreograph routines, which after weeks of practice, they perform to friends and family on the night.  But it’s not just the dancing, the girls put a lot of thought into their whole performance including costumes, hair and make-up, to really give a polished final performance.

This year, 10 senior girls, either in groups or as individuals, ran dance classes at 6 different primary schools.  This is a huge task to take on, but is much appreciated by all the young dancers and also an opportunity for the older girls to learn leadership skills, which will stand them in good stead in later life.  They choreographed dances for the pupils, some of whom were as young as P1, and spent many hours coaching the youngsters through the routines. 

Huge thanks are due to them, and to all the other primary school staff who were involved either with choreography, supervising lessons or with final preparations on the night.

The primary schools performing were Banavie, Fort William, Fort William RC, Lochyside, Inverlochy, Spean and Upper Achintore.  Many of the girls now volunteering to lead classes at the Primary Schools were themselves coached when they were primary pupils by previous seniors from the high school.

This year also saw guest performances from Kinlochleven High School, Spean Cheer, Ballet West, Nevis School of Highland Dancing and Scott Fairley, who choreographed and taught the finale dance.

Thanks to everyone who helped on the night and in the run up to the event and to the organisers Carol Cairns, and Highland Council’s Active Schools Co-ordinators Bridget Thomas and Shona Cameron.

Bridget Thomas said: “Every year the standard really does improve.  Many of the girls who now run the primary school classes started dancing themselves because previous senior pupils were willing to give their time to run classes for the Dance Platform.  It’s so impressive to see the routines that the pupils put together and great how much effort everyone puts into their performances.  We are really pleased to see several boys taking part this year and feel that this is largely due to the influence of Scott Fairly, who comes up each year and runs Hip Hop classes at the schools during the week of the Platform.  Finally many thanks to all the people who make this event possible.”

19 Nov 2010