Celebrations mark official hand over of Portree High School and Fingal Centre

Pupils, staff, guests and members of the local community gathered in Portree today (Friday 1 October) for a ceremony to mark the official hand over of Portree High School and Fingal Centre.

During the ceremony, which featured Portree High School Pipe Band and musical performances by pupils Eilidh Cormack; Alannah Beaton; Catherine MacLeod and John Alick MacNeil, a plaque was unveiled by The Highland Council Convener, Sandy Park and Councillor Drew Millar to formally mark the occasion.

Councillor Park said:  “It is an honour to be here with you to celebrate the hand over and I am delighted that pupils and staff have settled in so well. Portree High School and the Fingal Centre represents a very significant investment and demonstrates the Council’s commitment to ensuring young people are given the very best learning opportunities in surroundings that match the quality of the teaching provided by our staff. This is a new era for education here in Portree and I wish everyone many happy and productive years.”

Councillor Drew Miller welcomed guests.  He said:  “It is indeed a great day for Portree as we at last have a community school in the true sense of the word.  I would like to thank all the members of the Steering Committee who worked so hard from day one to ensure the wishes of the groups they represented were listened to and considered.  It is a credit to the hard work of everyone involved, and a true measure of success, that we have seen the building enjoy such a high level of community usage since it opened its doors. The feedback has been very positive and I am sure all of the facilities will be enjoyed by everyone for many years to come.”

The building incorporates new community facilities including a 25 metre swimming pool grant funded by sportscotland which complements a gym, games hall, climbing wall, and outdoor pitches.  There is also a large community library, an adult learning centre and a performance venue.

Sportscotland Chief Executive, Stewart Harris said; “The swimming pool at Portree High School is a fantastic facility that provides the local community with the opportunity to engage in sport and physical activity. The pool, along with the other facilities at Portree High School is the main focal point for sport in the community, and I am sure that it will be well used by local sports clubs and groups. Along with supporting Highland Council with the design of the pool we have also made an investment of £300,000 of sportscotland National Lottery Funding from our Sports Facilities Fund.”

Portree High School and Fingal Centre was one of 11 schools to be built under the Council’s PPP2 Programme and was delivered by Alpha Schools (Highland) Ltd, and built by Morrison Construction Ltd.

In her acceptance speech Head Teacher of the 640 pupil school, Catherine MacDonald said:  Our new look Portree High School is a building to be proud of. We have wonderful facilities – including state-of-the-art classrooms, a large games hall and gymnasium, which are greatly appreciated by pupils, staff, parents and the local community. Over the past 2 years we have taken advantage of all that it has to offer. Our main aim in this building however remains the same as in the past– that is to provide the best learning and teaching environment possible. The combination of, a very positive ethos built up over many years and involving the local community, and the new environment, mean that we now have a unique opportunity to fulfil our potential.”

1 Oct 2010