Temporary road closure on Nairn High Street

From Monday 11 October a temporary closure of Nairn High Street will begin to allow the completion of carriageway resurfacing, which is pat of the second phase of a £1.3 million package of town centre improvements.

Residents and businesses affected have been notified about temporary arrangements for the collection of refuse and have been given details of who to contact should they have any questions or need any assistance.  Close liaison with the Nairn Access Panel has identified the need for additional temporary disabled parking bays during the road closure.  These will be located in the first parking bays in Cawdor Street and Leopold Street and in Court House Lane.

While the formal road closure covers a period of four weeks, it is not intended that the High Street will be closed for any longer than two weeks.  The extra time has been built into the formal traffic order to allow flexibility should any unforeseen difficulties arise.

The closure will affect access for all vehicles including cyclists and will cover the full length of the High Street, from its junction with the A96 Aberdeen-Inverness trunk road (The Brae) to the junction with Leopold Street.

Restrictions to all traffic, except emergency vehicles will be as follows:

• No right-hand or left-hand turn shall be permitted from, or onto the High Street and The Brae from adjoining vehicular access roads.

• The one-way traffic restrictions on Douglas Street and Gordon Street will be temporarily suspended to allow two-way traffic for vehicles requiring access to premises on these streets only.

• There will be no vehicular access on Church Street from Knowles Gardens except for vehicles requiring access to premises on Church Street.  There will be no through access to the High Street from Church Street.

• During the works at the western (Boots Chemist) end of the High Street, access through The Brae, exiting via Gordon Street, may be possible for access only and by prior arrangement with the contractor.


4 Oct 2010