High level meeting sought with Council ICT providers

The Highland Council is to hold a high level meeting with their Information Communication and Technology providers, Fujitsu, to seek assurances over improvements to the contractor’s performance.

At today’s meeting of the Resources Committee, a number of councillors expressed their disappointment and concern at the lack of progress being made by Fujitsu in implementing new and improved services.

The criticism was led by Committee Chairman, Councillor Carolyn Wilson, who said she was saddened and very disappointed at the failure of Fujitsu to meet deadlines and adequately resource the new contract.

The Committee agreed that Fujitsu should be asked for weekly reports on the progress of key projects in the ICT Transformation Programme and that a senior company representative should be asked to attend of the full Council to outline the progress being made by the company to improve their performance.

Councillor Wilson said: “Our Services and our schools depend heavily on modern and efficient ICT services to provide effective and efficient services.  It is therefore very disappointing that Fujitsu are failing to deliver what they promised in winning this major contract.

“A strong message goes out from this committee to the company that they must adequately resource this contract and get the various projects back on track.”


5 Oct 2010