Old elm tree at Old High Church to be felled

An elm tree at Old High Church, Inverness, is to be felled next week as the result of a detailed inspection, which identified significant decay and a danger of collapse on to the old church and old valuable gravestones. Felling will take place on Wednesday 13 October. The contractor is West Contracts Services Ltd.

The tree is a wych elm, ulmus glabra, and is located to the north of the Old High Church within the grave yard. It is approximately 150 years old and once was a fine example of this species in an area devoid of trees.

It was recently inspected by a tree consultant as part of a condition survey on behalf of The Highland Council. The tree was found to be in poor structural condition due to severe decay. It has a sheer crack in the main stem which also has ganoderma fungal fruiting bodies and historic cases of fire at the base. The current hazard associated with the tree is the likelihood of complete failure due to the decay and a lesser likelihood of limb failure due to decay from previous topping.


6 Oct 2010