Adapting to Climate Change in the Highlands

The Highland Council is seeking the views of the public over its plans to respond to changing weather patterns.  Adapting to climate change means considering how people in different communities and the environment might be affected by changing weather patterns across the region and then planning to deal with that. 

The Council is one of the first in Scotland to produce a plan for adaptation.  It will sit alongside the Council’s carbon management plan which sets out how carbon emissions will be reduced from the Council’s estate and practice. Through this approach, the Council aims to be an exemplar of good environmental practice.  The Council’s strengths in this area were acknowledged by the recent Best Value audit.

In aiming to think globally and act locally, the Council has set out its priorities in the consultation paper - “Adapting to Climate Change in Highland”.  The deadline for responses is 31 December.

In total, the consultation paper asks 15 questions, which are aimed at ensuring the draft action plan and high-level commitments in adapting to climate change are covered.

Over the past two years the Council has undertaken research and conducted workshops to help highlight the main issues and priorities for the region. The consultation document is divided into five sections aimed at providing Highland-specific examples, guidance and reference material, in addition to outlining the actions the Council plans to implement and the evidence base to support such actions.

Councillor Michael Foxley, Chairman of the Climate Change Working Group, said: “In partnership with other public bodies, the third sector and communities, the Council has a vital role to play in safeguarding the natural environment. Climate change is one of the greatest threats to the Highland area and the Council seeks to be an exemplar of good environmental practice by thinking globally and acting locally. We recognise that as an employer, service provider and community leader we can raise awareness and encourage others to take action.

“The Council will seek to continually improve knowledge and understanding of climate change impacts and ensure this information is shared with relevant stakeholders. “Adapting to Climate Change in Highland” should therefore be viewed as a dynamic document that will evolve as the knowledge base increases.”

Responses should be sent to Ailsa Villegas, Sustainable Development Officer, Chief Executive’s Service, The Highland Council, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX or email:

11 Oct 2010