Wick High School Synthetic Pitch Update

Work is progressing well on a £584,000 floodlit synthetic sport pitch for Wick High School.

Contractors, Malcolm Construction Services Ltd. working for The Highland Council took delivery of the synthetic turf which arrived from Germany and work to lay the turf and perimeter fencing has finished.

Environmental re-instatement works for the pitch surrounds are soon to be completed followed by a site tidy up. Weather-dependent, it is hoped that all the site works will be finished for the new school term.

Funding for the development has been provided by The Highland Council’s Education Culture and Sports Service.

The pitch will be developed as a multi-sports use playing surface for use by the school and the community by arrangement through the school.

The types of sports which can be played on the pitch include football, hockey, shinty and netball.

Councillor Roger Saxon, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Caithness Area Education, Culture and Sport Committee said: “I am pleased to see the good progress on the all weather pitch and look forward to it being well used by the school and the local community. I commend the project management of the development by the Council and the good works being carried out by Malcolm Construction Services Ltd.”


For further information please contact: Ian Hargave, Area Manager - Caithness, The Highland Council tel: (01955) 607700


1 Aug 2006