Top Professionals to coach Highland Swimmers

On Thursday 11th November Highland Swim Team will welcome six of Great Britain’s leading specialist in sports physiotherapy, nutrition, psychology as well as competitive swimming coaches Andy Manley and Mark Rose, who coach with GB Beacon Programme in Manchester, to Inverness Leisure for a special All Stars training event.

The guest specialists will spend four days helping a whole range of the Highlands best swimmers improve their swimming training and techniques.  Helping and supporting these coaches by demonstrating worlds class techniques will be Olympic Bronze medal winner and world record holder at 400m Freestyle Joanne Jackson. 

The first group in line for coaching are the Masters swimmers, aged 25 yrs and over, who will have 3 hrs of training on Thursday 11th November and the next 2 days will see swimmers aged 11 and under benefiting from the All Stars training programme.  The 14th and 15th November will be for swimmers 12yrs and over who will have a more intense schedule and will have to work hard to keep up with Joanne Jackson. 

The Highland Council’s Swimming Development Officer Jeff Tavendale said:  “This is a great chance for Highland swimmers of all ages to get an opportunity to work with top professionals who train and compete at the highest level.  As well as demonstrating advanced swimming techniques, our All Star guests will be passing on lots of practical tips on nutrition, physiotherapy, psychology which are all factors that combine with determination, power and skill to produce world class competitive swimmers.  By being able to talk from their own personal experiences about what makes a successful swimmer, the All Stars team will, I am sure,  motivate and inspire Highland Swim Team members to when it comes to their own performances.”

Anyone interested in attending the Total Swimming event should be part of a registered Scottish Swimming club programme and should contact Jeff Tavendale on 01463 667528.

Also over the four day visit some children learning to swim at the various Highland Council Leisure Centres will be given the chance to learn from and swim with Bronze medal Olympian Joanne on Sunday 14th November at Invergordon Swimming Pool.  Anyone interested should speak to their leisure centre swimming co-ordinator.

7 Sep 2010