Ward business to be highlighted

People living in the Eilean a’ Cheò ward of The Highland Council will now be able to read a summary of topics covered and decisions made by their local councillors at Ward Meetings.

Ward Manager Jan Laing has arranged for the first business bulletin from the meeting held on 30th August 2010 to be posted on the Ward pages on the council’s website - http://www.highland.gov.uk

Jan said:  “Members are very keen that people living in their ward are kept up-to-date with what they have been discussing at their ward meetings so this is the first of a planned regular series of bulletins which will be posted on our website.”

During the meeting on 30 August approval was given to use the Ward Discretionary budget to provide Sleat Community Trust with £2,000 for a project worker under the LEADER  Community Project Worker Scheme and a further £1,000 was agreed to go to Portree Community Council under the Environmental Project Scheme.

The next meeting is scheduled for the 4th October and every three weeks after that.

8 Sep 2010