Wick High School update

The Highland Council and the Scottish Government have committed to building a new high school in Wick. The Scottish Government will provide a substantial element of the funding over the next three financial years and the Council has already committed to matching this funding over this period.

On Monday 13 September the public in Wick have been invited to attend a statutory consultation meeting at the Assembly Rooms aimed at discussing a site for the new school and the facilities they would like to see in it.

Over the summer, the Council has been investigating two sites – the existing High School site and Bignold Park.

This investigation has included detailed ground surveys and also examination of legal issues surrounding the use of the Bignold Park.  It is clear that the Council could build a new school on the park but legal advice currently suggests that this could be open to challenge as the Council would have to be able to provide a comparable replacement facility immediately.

Whilst the Council will continue to investigate all issues surrounding both sites, Councllor Bill Fernie, Chairman of The Highland Council’s Education Culture and Sport Committee, said: “This is a major project for Wick and the Council will not follow any course of action which could delay or compromise the timescale for completion of a much-needed new High School for Wick.”

9 Sep 2010