Forum to focus on work with young people

The work of the local Youth Action Team will be in the spotlight at the Cromarty Firth Ward Forum being held in Kiltearn Parish Church Hall in Evanton on Thursday 16 September at 7.30pm. Local Youth Action officers will give the Forum an insight into some of the work they do to help youngsters whose behaviour is causing concern, or who have perhaps committed offences get back on track.

Councillor Maxine Smith who will be chairing the Ward Forum said: “The work the Youth Action Team do with these youngsters is so important. We know some of our young people struggle and perhaps don’t make the best choices in life and it is good to know that so much work is being done to help get them back on the right track. It’s easy to pinpoint the behaviour that worries us but so much harder to help put it right. Anyone who has concerns is welcome to come along and find out more about the work, and of course to raise any questions they have."

If you have an enquiry about the Cromarty Firth Ward Forum, would like to submit questions in advance of the meeting, or have any special requirements/needs to help you take part, please contact Helen Ross at Invergordon Service Point or by phoning 01349 855524 or by emailing   

14 Sep 2010