Council nominations for CNPA

The Highland Council has nominated Badenoch and Strathspey councillors Jaci Douglas and Gregor Rimell to serve on the new board of the Cairngorms National Park Authority until May 2012.

Previously, the Council had five members on the board but following a Scottish Government review of the board membership – reducing membership from 25 to 19 - the Council’s representation has been reduced to two.

Appointment to the Board has to be confirmed by Scottish Ministers.

At last Thursday’s full Council meeting in Inverness, Council Convener Sandy Park congratulated Councillors Douglas and Rimell on their nominations and paid tribute to the service of outgoing Board members, Councillors Drew Hendry, Stuart Black and David Fallows, who had made a significant contribution to the Board.

Councillor Fallows gave notice at the meeting of his intention to seek election to the Board when elections for community members is held next March.

14 Sep 2010