Beachwatch 2010

Members of the Caithness Countryside Volunteers, with support from Highland Council’s local Countryside Ranger, cleaned up a popular Caithness beach last Sunday as part of the national Beachwatch event taking place around the country.

North Baths in Wick was cleaned by the volunteers who recorded every piece of rubbish collected to help with the Marine Conservation Society annual Beachwatch Big Weekend litter survey.

Marina Swanson, Highland Council Countryside Ranger said: “The volunteers did a great job of picking and recording the litter at North Baths. The litter is obviously very unpleasant to look at but also is very harmful to marine wildlife. The amount of plastic drink bottles was staggering and accounted for a large percentage of the total litter collected. Many thanks to the volunteers who turned up to lend a hand. Ironically, one of the items that we recovered from the beach was a dog waste bin.”

Caithness Countryside Volunteers is organised through The Highland Council Countryside Rangers with the Planning and Development Service and is always looking for new members.

For more information about the group, please contact Marina Swanson on 01955 607758 or e-mail

21 Sep 2010