Highland Development Plan consultation gets under way

A 10-week public consultation gets under way on Friday 24 September on The Highland Council’s Highland wide Local Development Plan, which represents the Council’s land use vision, strategy and principal, general policies for the whole Highland Council area except that part within the Cairngorms National Park Authority boundary.

The deadline for comments is 5 pm on Friday 3 December.

The plan can be inspected free of charge during normal opening hours at every public library, planning office and Service Point in the Highlands and it is also available on all mobile libraries and can be viewed online at:


The Plan is an important, statutory document that affects the consideration of planning applications and other public and private investment decisions. It will be discussed at the following Ward Forum meetings:-

There will also be the chance for the public to view the plan and ask any questions they may have about the plan at the following drop-in sessions, which run from 1pm-6pm:-

The public is also being offered the chance to make an appointment to discuss the Plan and this can be done by contacting the Development Plans Team (01463) 702259 or devplans@highland.gov.uk. Each appointment will last a maximum of 10 minutes. The venues are:-

Written comments must be received by 5pm on 3 December via:

The Highland Council has also prepared a Revised Environmental Report for the Highland wide Local Development Plan. The document is available to view at Council Headquarters, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness and online at:

/developmentplans.  The deadline for comments is 5pm on 3 December.

During this consultation period you can also comment on the following pieces of work:

These documents are available to view online and in service points, libraries and area planning offices.

22 Sep 2010