Council Agree To Introduce Smoking Curbs Ahead Of National Debate

The Highland Council, the largest employer in the Highlands, has confirmed the introduction of a complete ban on smoking in its premises and vehicles from 1 January, next year – three months ahead of the implementation of the Scottish Parliament’s Smoking Health and Social Care Act, which will ban smoking in enclosed public places and workplaces throughout Scotland.

The Council has decided to take a lead role on regulating smoking in the workplace because of its concerns for the health of its 12,000 employees and the thousands of people who visit its many premises.

It believes the ban will create an improved working environment; produce a healthier workforce; reduce absence through smoking-related illnesses and project a positive public image of the Council.

Members of the Resources Committee today (Wednesday), were told today that staff and trade unions backed the Council’s revised smoking policy.

They agreed that the ban should extend to access doorways of premises and the curtilage of buildings, requiring people who wish to smoke to move to an area away from the premises. Smoking rooms will no longer be available.

Increased emphasis on providing support to staff wishing to give up smoking is to be made available.

The early implementation date is to give staff the time to take up the offer of cessation support and to ensure the Council is fully compliant with the new legislation before it comes into force on 26 March, next year.

25 Apr 2006