Council asks Highland businesses and voluntary sector if they are prepared?

17,000 businesses and voluntary sector organisations are being urged this week to ensure that they have plans in place should their activities face a major crisis.

Along with the annual billing of non-domestic rates, the Council is including a short information leaflet that asks people if they are prepared.

Donald Norrie, Highland Council’s Emergency Planning and Business Continuity Manager explained: “We are urging business people and those running voluntary organisations to spend five minutes reading an information leaflet which could help them keep their operations up and running in a crisis situation.

“Disruption to business does routinely happen in the Highlands. We have been affected over the years by fuel shortages in 2000, foot and mouth disease in 2001, severe storms and loss of communications in 2005, major flooding in 2006, Grangemouth refinery strikes in 2008 and severe winter weather over the last two winters.”

The leaflet outlines what business continuity planning is about and the importance of having a plan in place to make sure that businesses can operate in the event of an emergency and that they recover in the quickest possible time. Business continuity planning is relevant to every business, whether it is small, medium or large.

Business continuity planning follows a simple process of:
• knowing the business;
• assessing the risks; and
• drawing up a plan which is then tested and maintained on a regular basis.

A copy of the leaflet “Are you prepared?” is on the Council’s website at:

Detailed information on how to get started on a business continuity plan can be found on the Business Gateway website at Anyone requiring further advice or information can contact: The Highland Council, Emergency Planning Unit tel: 01463 713479 or e-mail:


4 Apr 2011