Stroll through Culloden’s past with Council Ranger

A popular guided historical walk with Highland Council’s Countryside Rangers is offering people the chance to step back in time in the Culloden area.

Participants will have the chance to meet an array of colourful characters from Culloden’s past within the dramatic backdrop of Culloden House and Avenue. The walk takes place on Thursday 14 April, 2-5pm.

Countryside Ranger John Orr will lead the walk at a wandering pace around some places of historical interest in the area, including the doocot, old barn, stables and finishing up with tea and biscuits in the auspicious surroundings of Culloden House.

He said: “This is the seventh year in a row we have organised this popular event. We will be taking a fascinating walk through Culloden’s past. The walk starts outside Culloden House and winds its way along Culloden Avenue and Smithton Woods with a few surprises on the way!”

This event which is organised as part of The Highland Council’s Planning and Development Service countryside events programme is suitable for individuals and family groups.

Booking is essential on the 2km /1.25 mile walk. For further information or to book a place please telephone 01463 710786.

The Highland Council Countryside Rangers run a programme of annual events that promote public enjoyment and appreciation of the countryside and conserving wildlife.

6 Apr 2011