Tain and East Ross by-election date confirmed

A by-election will be held in The Highland Council’s Ward 8 – Tain and Easter Ross – on Thursday 9 June to elect a successor to Councillor Alan Torrance (SNP), who died recently aged 68. 

Nomination papers will be available from Tain Service Point from Monday 9 May.  The deadline for nominations is 4 pm on Tuesday 17 May.

If the election is contested, polling will take place between 7 am – 10 pm on Thursday 9 June.

Councillor Torrance was one of three councillors representing Tain and East Ross. The other two representatives are Alasdair Rhind and Richard Durham, both Independent.

Those intending to vote are reminded that the single transferable vote system is being used.  Instead of using a cross, they should number the candidates in the order of their choice, putting a number 1 in the box next to the name of the candidate who is their first choice, 2 in the box next to their second choice and so on.

Voters can mark as many choices as they wish.  Voters are asked to put no other mark on the ballot paper as this could result in their vote not being counted.

The electorate is 6,959.

6 Apr 2011