Fusion nights at Charleston prove to be popular

It has been a busy few months for The Highland Council’s Youth team at Charleston in Inverness as Fusion events has been running every second Saturday in the Charleston Community Complex and have proved to be so popular that they will continue until the end of June.

The Saturday Fusion evening sessions are exclusively for young people with the council and local providers working in partnership to provide fun, interesting and educational activities for people to come and try.  Since the sessions started at the end of November last year a wide range of activities have be on offer including football, a mobile climbing wall, inflatable sumo suit wrestling, graffiti art workshops, jewellery making, and beauty sessions.

Youth Development Officer Nikki Rasdale said: “There has been a good turn out at every Fusion session. Young people have enjoyed being able to use the local facilities on a Saturday night and have thoroughly enjoyed all of the activities. They have learned lots of new skills and feedback from everyone coming along has been very positive.  We are all excited about Tazball coming on the 30th April to run a Lazertag session and craft artist Kira Brown coming to do ceramics.”

If anyone would like any further information on up coming events please contact Nikki Rasdale on 01463 234 324.

12 Apr 2011