Thrumster Primary School wildlife garden comes to life

An enthusiastic group of volunteers turned out last Sunday (10th April) to undertake a range of environmental projects at Thrumster Primary School wildlife garden. The event was organised by The Highland Council Planning and Development’s Countryside Rangers as part of the programme of events for the Caithness Countryside Volunteers. The group was supported on the day by head teacher, Mrs Mackay, parents, pupils and local residents.

A number of broadleaf trees were donated by Forestry Commission Scotland and Caithness Countryside volunteer, Melanie Spirit. The volunteers planted and fitted rabbit spirals to each tree. The overgrown willow bower was shaped and trimmed. The existing trees in the wildlife area were cut back and planters and borders were weeded.

Marina Swanson, Highland Council Countryside Ranger & event organiser said: “The beautiful weather on Sunday inspired the volunteers to get stuck in with the work and their efforts have made a great impact on the wildlife area. Thanks to the volunteers, the school children and local wildlife will enjoy and use the garden even more.”

The Caithness Countryside Volunteers is organised through the Highland Council’s Planning & Development Countryside Rangers and is always looking for new members. If you wish to find out more about the group, please contact Marina Swanson on 01955607758 or e-mail


12 Apr 2011