Army cadet massed pipe band parade in Dingwall

Dingwall will once again play host to the massed pipes and drums of the Army Cadet Force on Friday 15th April.  The first ‘Beat the Retreat’ event took place in Dingwall in April 2006 and now in its fifth year, the Retreat Parade has become an annual fixture in the town calendar.   

Supported by The Highland Council, the event has gone from strength to strength and the icing on the cake for the cadets at the end of their week’s tuition is the opportunity to show off their skills with the public showcase in Dingwall. 

National Cadet Piping Executive Officer, Major Jim Stout said: “After a week of intensive instruction it is great for the cadets to get the chance to put what they have learned into practice and to entertain the public at the same time.  Cadets come from all over the UK every year for tuition at the Cameron Barracks.”

The Cadets will leave the Army Cadet Centre on Ferry Road at 2.30 pm to march along Dingwall High Street.  They will mass outside the Royal British Legion where the salute will be taken by Depute Lieutenant, Mr Donald Kennedy.  The massed pipe band will then entertain those present with a retreat programme. 

The event is free and all are welcome to come and watch this wonderful spectacle. 

12 Apr 2011