An Sgàilean Ùr: Celtic Media Festival 2011

Five youngsters aged 10 - 15 from Highland Schools will participate in this year’s Celtic Media Festival in Stornoway.  The young people from Sleat Primary, Portree High School and Bun-sgoil Ghàidhlig Inbhir Nis will attend as part of An Sgàilean Ùr, the film-making initiative led by Sealladh TV in Sleat and supported by The Highland Council. 

Now in its final year, the highly successful project, which also receives funding from MG Alba, has helped young people from the area to produce twelve short films.  This year’s films feature stalkers, strange woodland creatures and a very unpopular teacher. 

Project producer Morag Stewart said: “An Sgàilean Ùr has three great films to present to the Festival this year.  The young people worked exceptionally hard, scripting, filming, editing and composing music, and I think it’s a measure of the project’s success that they were willing to give up so much of their spare time to produce the films.”

Councillor Hamish Fraser, Chairman of The Highland Council Gaelic Committee said: “It’s really exciting that 5 young people from the Highlands are attending the Celtic Media Festival, especially as we celebrate 25 years of Gaelic Education in the Highlands. The young people are learning skills such as script writing, filming and producing skills all of which will enrich their cultural and linguistic experiences out-with formal class room learning. I wish the young people every success at the Festival.”

Each year, representatives are invited to attend the Festival and participate in a presentation of their films followed by a Q&A session. The youngsters will be accompanied by Sealladh producers Morag Stewart and Chris Young.  Skye-based company Sealladh has also been nominated for an award in the radio documentary category at this year’s event.  The 3-day Festival of screening, events and sessions  will open on Wednesday 13th April.

An Sgàilean Ùr was set up in 2008 to encourage school pupils to make their own short films and learn all the skills associated with filmmaking.  An Sgàilean Ùr is managed by Independent Producer Sealladh, and funded by Bòrd na Gàidhlig through Highland Council and by MG ALBA.  Sealladh was established by Morag Stewart and Chris Young and is located in FÀS, the Cultural and Creative Centre at the Gaelic College Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, on the Isle of Skye.

13 Apr 2011