Development Plan Scheme 2011

The Highland Council has submitted its latest Development Plan Scheme to Scottish Ministers.  This document sets out the key pieces of work being undertaken by the Development Plans Team over the coming year, and sets out how people can get involved with these projects.  The Council has a legal requirement to prepare this every year.

The Development Plan Scheme 2011 sets out timescales for adoption of the Highland Wide Local Development Plan, and for the early stages of work on the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan.  Other important projects over the coming months include the preparation of a development brief for Inverness City Centre and for the Sandown Lands in Nairn. 

The DPS is available to view here /yourenvironment/planning/developmentplans/developmentplanscheme.htm as well as in libraries, Council Service Points and area planning offices.  Individuals and organisations are invited to let us know what they think of the DPS and suggest any amendments or improvements.


18 Apr 2011