HMIe Inspection Report on Struan Primary School, Skye
In an HMIe inspection of Struan Primary the following key strengths were identified:
Her Majesty’s Inspectors [HMIe] stated that most children were well motivated and keen to learn. They worked together well in pairs and groups. Lessons were well focussed and purposeful because of the skilful way the teacher discussed intended learning with the children. Questioning was used skilfully to make children think for themselves. Children’s achievements in promoting healthy eating and caring for the environment had been recognised. The school had an Eco-Schools Scotland silver award. Children were developing appropriate and responsible attitudes to those less fortunate than themselves.
Inspectors found that in English language children read well, listened effectively and talked with appropriate confidence. In mathematics, most children’s skills were developing appropriately. HMIe stated that children at all stages produced creative and colourful paintings as part of their work in art.
Staff had handled the change to a single P1 to P7 class earlier in the session skilfully. As a result, HMIe noted that children at all stages were benefiting from increased opportunities to work with and learn from their peers. They found that teaching was very supportive and encouraging and children felt confident about asking for advice.
Effective partnerships had been built between the school and parents to the benefit of children. A number of useful links with the wider community support children’s learning experiences. The headteacher and staff were committed to the children and were keen to improve the school. Staff knew children well and were developing new ways of working to benefit children’s learning. The school had a clear sense of direction and shared purpose to its best for children. The headteacher was highly committed to the children and to improving the school. She had developed effective teamwork with staff and was bringing about a number of changes in the nature and quality of learning and teaching.
HMIe identified a number of areas for improvement for the school which included: to further improve attainment in writing and to continue to improve the curriculum to meet the needs of all children. The school is also required to improve the school’s arrangements for evaluating the quality of learning, teaching and achievement to ensure that all children make appropriate progress.
However, HMIe are confident that, with support from the education authority, the school will be able to make the necessary improvements. As a result, they will make no more visits in connection with this inspection.
Miss Christine MacLennan, Head Teacher, who also has management responsibility for Carbost Primary, said: “I am delighted that the hard work and commitment of staff and pupils has been recognised and, also, the wonderful support we receive from parents and the community at large. With these factors behind us, we are in an good position to make further improvements to the quality of education we provide for our pupils, as suggested by HMIe.”
Alasdair Macphie, Chairperson of the Parent Council, said: “‘I feel that the HMIe report gives a fair representation of our school and I know that the identified strengths will be built upon and weaknesses rectified. The school can now move on confident that it will have the continued support of the Parent Council and wider community.”