Inverness Homecoming Parade

To mark their recent return from operations in Afghanistan, soldiers from The Highlanders, 4th Battalion The Royal Regiment of Scotland (4 SCOTS) will return from their permanent base in Germany to take part in a Homecoming Parade in Inverness on Friday (2 December).

Homecoming Parades enable soldiers to thank family and friends from local communities for the support they received during their six month deployment.  The parade will step off from Glebe Street at 11.15 am, marching down Academy Street, onto the High Street, along Bank Street and finishing at The Castle.

Thereafter the Provost of Inverness will host a civic reception for the Regiment in the Town House accompanied by the Lord Lieutenant Donald Cameron of Lochiel and the Colonel of the Regiment General Andrew Graham CB. CBE. 

The parade will be preceded by a public presentation on The Highlanders’ operations this summer by Lieutenant Colonel Aitken on Thursday 1st December at The Royal British Legion Scotland, Huntly Street. The presentation is open to all; doors open at 6.30pm and the presentation will start at 7pm.

Around 500 soldiers deployed to the Helmand Province in April 2011 where they supported 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines. They took on a variety of roles, including training and mentoring Afghan security Forces.  The highlight of their tour was successfully handing over control of security in Lashkar Gah District Centre to Afghan forces – a key step in the transition to normality in Afghanistan.

4 SCOTS Commanding Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Alastair Aitken MBE said:  “We are truly honoured to be invited by the City of Inverness to march in celebration of our return from Afghanistan.  The level of support from the people back home during a demanding summer tour was very humbling and it is an important marker at the end of the tour for the local solders to be given the chance to show off in their home towns.”

1 Dec 2011