Eden Court helps bring Christmas to the market

Issued by Eden Court Theatre

Eden Court Theatre’s Creative Team will be adding an extra sprinkle of Christmas magic to Inverness’ Victorian Market in the weekends running up to Christmas.

The talented team from Eden Court are working with The Highland Council and Victorian Market retailers to transform the festive shopping experience into a Christmas wonderland.

Shoppers in and around the market over next few weekends will be able to enjoy performances from Punch and Judy based on the fairytales of the Brothers Grimm, wandering actors and buskers as they pick up presents for their loved ones from the many independent shops within the Market.

The interior of the Victorian Market has been transformed by the wonderful Winter Wonderland installation designed and produced by local artists, DUFI art, from Eden Court Creative’s concept in partnership with the Council’s lighting section.

Provost of Inverness, Councillor Jimmy Gray said: ‘We have spent a lot of time and effort in decorating the Victorian market in the run up to Christmas which now has a real festive feel running the whole way through the market. We hope that the performances provided by Eden Court actors and their Punch and Judy at the market entrances will entice shoppers into the market. The shows, supported by the Inverness Common Good Fund will provide a light hearted relief to Christmas shoppers in the city.’

Eden Court Creative Manager, Kati Kozikowska said: ‘We are very excited to be involved with this festive project. It is a brilliant opportunity for Eden Court Creative to show the public what we’re all about. The shows are coming together really well and we’re looking forward to adding some magic to the Victorian Market Christmas’.

The Punch and Judy performances will take place at various points throughout the day, from 03 Dec, and will feature 4 different Grimm Tales – Rumpelstiltskin, Little Red Riding Hood, Rapunzel and Jack and the Beanstalk. 


1 Dec 2011