Households warned of icy conditions

Due to the rain last night and below zero temperatures at dawn, many roads and pavements in the Highlands suffered from icing causing treacherous conditions.

The Council has a full team of pavement and road gritting operatives on duty today to tackle the conditions.

Refuse teams were not able to access some homes situated on higher ground and in cul-de-sacs. Residents are advised to leave out their green bins as teams will make every endeavour to catch up with uplifts.

A spokesman said: “The conditions this morning were very difficult.  The rain yesterday washed away the salt that was on the road and the early morning drop in temperature resulted in treacherously icy conditions. We have every machine at our disposal treating our roads, with bus and main routes given priority.  Even after treatment the ice will take some time to clear. Pedestrians and motorists are urged to show the utmost care as the icy conditions are likely to continue today.”

20 Dec 2011