Cross country running festival gets off to a flying start in Lochaber

The first south Lochaber primary schools cross country festival will be held today (11 February) at Glencoe Lochan.

Pupils in primary 6 and 7 from Ballachulish, Kinlochleven, Duror, Glencoe and St Brides primary schools have entered mixed teams of 4 and will run a course just over a mile long, through local woods.

The event is being run with support from Ruari Watt from Forestry Commission Scotland and pupils from Kinlochleven High School who have acted as marshals, and front / back runners.

Thanks to parents and teachers who have been running practice sessions in each school in preparation for this event.  The event is part of Highland Council’s wider Lochaber active schools physical education programme of festivals. Winners in the south Lochaber event will have the opportunity to take part in the Lochaber Primaries cross country race on Tuesday 22 Feb at Leanachan Forest.  The race starts at 1pm with a prize giving at approximately 2.15pm.

Highland Council’s Active Schools Co-ordinator Tracey Jeffrey said: “The south Lochaber festival is a great opportunity to increase pupils’ fitness while enjoying the outdoors. Participants also get to know some of the pupils from other local schools and have fun! The practices and festival have been a great opportunity for some pupils to try out a new activity which they can continue and build their confidence at a local level before entering competitions further afield.”

Meanwhile the Lochaber secondary schools cross country race will be on Friday 18 March based at the Rural Education Trust/Auction Mart.

11 Feb 2011