Places now available for family learning event in Skye

Read this in Gaelic

The Community Learning and Development Review Group for Gaelic (CLADRG) is pleased to announce that a Family Learning event for Gaelic-speaking families will be held at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig (SMO) on the Isle of Skye during the week beginning Monday 4th July 2011.

This week-long event is open to families with children being educated through the medium of Gaelic and offers the opportunity for parents to attend one of the college’s language courses while their children take part in a wide range of sports, arts and other activities (e.g. kayaking) through the medium of Gaelic.

This year’s event will build on the success of the previous seven annual events and the college will again be dedicated to the event for its duration. Last year more than 30 families from across the Highlands, Islands and the central belt took advantage of the opportunity to learn and play in a Gaelic-speaking environment at the college in Sleat in the south of Skye and all were enthusiastic about the benefits of the experience.

For more information, and for an application form, families should contact the Project Co-ordinator by e-mail on or by telephone on 0797 273 5413.

Application forms must be returned to the Project Co-ordinator by
25th March at the latest. 

Places are limited, so early submission of applications is recommended. Families will be advised in early April whether their applications have been successful.
This project is funded by CLADRG and Bòrd na Gàidhlig and the support of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig and Highland Council is gratefully acknowledged.

1 Feb 2011