Zero tolerance campaign proves successful

The ‘zero tolerance’ campaign on litter and fly-tipping undertaken by The Highland Council between 17 – 28 January saw 13 £50 Fixed Penalty Notices issued in the seven towns in the Highlands put under the microscope.

Wick, Thurso, Invergordon, Alness, Nairn, Grantown and  Aviemore as well as Dingwall, Inverness and Fort William were the focus of the campaign.

In an earlier campaign last November in Dingwall, Fort William and Inverness, 28 Fixed Penalty Notices were issued.

Councillor John Laing, Chairman of the Transport Environmental and Community Services Committee, concluded that the reduction in offending pointed to the zero tolerance message registering with the public.

He said:  “It is encouraging that many members of the public spoke with the enforcement officers and said they were delighted to see the ongoing enforcement work.  A noticeable difference was seen by our officers of people complying with the law and ensuring litter and cigarette ends were placed in litter bins. We will persist with our zero tolerance campaign. I am sure we will see a continued improvement in the amenity of our streets.”

Unpaid Fixed Penalty Notices are passed to the Procurator Fiscal and can lead to a higher fine or a court appearance.  During the campaign last November, two cases were passed to the Procurator Fiscal for debts unpaid after 28 days and on both occasions the offenders were issued with level 2 fiscal fines of £75.  If the offenders continue to reject the offer of a fiscal fine or if they fail to respond, or if they fail to make payment towards the fine within 28 days, then they will be prosecuted in the court.

9 Feb 2011