Public urged to have their say on design of new Wick High School

A public meeting is being held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 23 February at Wick High School to give interested parties the chance to have their say on the design of the proposed new state of the art secondary school for the community.

The Council has appointed an expert team to prepare a detailed brief for the new £34 million High School and the co-located community facilities and want to explore the requirements of the new facility at the public meeting.

Volunteers will be sought at the meeting to serve on a Community Liaison Group for the new development.  This Group will act as an ongoing liaison group between the local community and the Council on matters relating to the new facility. 

The principle of re-locating the library and swimming pool at the new school will be discussed by a full meeting of The Highland Council on Thursday 3rd March and will not form part of the meeting.


9 Feb 2011