Inverness festivals secure funding future for 2011/12

A programme of events and festivals for the City of Inverness was endorsed this week by members of The Highland Council’s Inverness City Committee.

Members approved an action plan which will see continued investment of £300,000 from the Inverness Common Good Fund into events and festivals for Inverness.

Managed by The Highland Council, the existing programme of winter and summer festivals will be expanded to include a year-round calendar with spring and autumn festivals added.

Currently the programme incorporates: Inverness Highland Games; the civic bonfire; Christmas lights; Hogmanay, Halloween and Winter Wonderland events on the Ness Islands. Also, through exchange visits, strong cultural links have been established with Pamplona in the Basque region of Spain.

Welcoming the continued commitment to staging events and festivals in Inverness, Provost Jimmy Gray said: “Our key events are well established on the calendar attracting an increasingly positive profile for the City of Inverness. The events are now eagerly anticipated and enjoyed mainly by Inverness people but increasingly by visitors to the area.

“A lot of work from members and staff has gone into the events and festivals working group. They have created and attracted a great range of events in the city. More partners are now involved and we welcome that support. We also welcome the interest from outwith Inverness and overseas that is being drawn to the area by the events and festivals working group.”



15 Feb 2011