Crown Road retaining wall, Inverness

Work will start on Monday 17 January, 2011 on a £60,000 project to reface the Crown Road Retaining Wall in Inverness.

Global Construction (Scotland) Ltd has been contracted by The Highland Council to undertake the works which, if the weather allows, will last for an estimated six weeks.

The works include the installation of a replacement masonry block facing, cleaning and repointing of coping, the application of anti-graffiti paint to the rear exposed concrete face and other ancillary works.

Art panels are to be erected after the masonry facing has been installed by Inverness Old Town Art (IOTA), which has been appointed by The Highland Council to oversee its public art projects for the city.

The Council and the contractor will make every effort to minimise any inconvenience to businesses and residents in the area while work is being carried out.

Crown Road will be open to traffic during the works but will operate as one way only – from Eastgate towards Crown Road. No vehicular access from Crown Circus to Crown Road will be available.

Motorists are asked to avoid this location if at all possible and note that on exiting from the Eastgate Centre Level 3 Car Park they will be directed up Crown Road. Pedestrian access will be maintained at all times.

Representatives from the Council and the contractor will shortly commence a series of visits to businesses and properties that are likely to be affected by the works to explain the details of what is being carried out and find out and resolve any concerns that residents may have that may result from the works.

The Council would like to request the cooperation and assistance of the public during the works and give an assurance that every effort will be made to limit any inconvenience.


4 Jan 2011