£2 million investment in Invernevis Home, Fort William

Members of The Highland Council’s Housing and Social Work Committee will be asked on Wednesday 12 January to go ahead with a major refurbishment of Invernevis Home, Fort William.
It is recommended that the Committee invest £1.7 million over the next five years to upgrade the two-storey building and extend its capacity to 28-residents. This is additional to the £302,000 already committed to the home for necessary immediate refurbishment.
The refurbishment will be phased within Invernevis, to minimise disruption to residents.  NHS Highland has agreed that the adjacent Belhaven Unit can be used to provide additional capacity during the process.
Councillor Michael Foxley, Leader of the Council’s Administration, said he would strongly support the recommendation to upgrade Invernevis Home.
He said: “This investment will remove any doubt over the future of this important care facility, ensuring Invernevis Home is fit for purpose for many years to come.
“The home will have a bigger capacity in the future and will have enhanced facilities, such as en suite bathrooms, an additional lift, and improved support for people with mobility difficulties.”
The Council has already agreed to upgrade homes at Ach an Eas, Inverness, and Grant House, Grantown at a cost of £1.8 million and is also exploring how the vacant site at the former Burnside Home, in Inverness, can be best used.

The committee report can be read here (35Kb pdf).


7 Jan 2011