Swim For £1 Offer As Leisure Complex Is First To Make A Splash In New Scheme

Inverness Leisure, operators of the Aquadome and sports centre, have become the first leisure company in the city to sign up to a new scheme which gives cut-price offers to young people.

Customers from 12 to 18 years old, using the facility twice a week, can save up to £14 a month under the High Life ~ Young Scot scheme.

Youngsters can use the Aquadome's Leisure Waters for £1 instead of £2.60 if they come between 4 pm and 8 pm on weekdays.

"Highland Council are operating the national Young Scot a long with its own High Life scheme across the Highlands and we're very pleased to be the first of what I'm sure will be many new businesses in and around Inverness who will participate", says James Martin, general manager of Inverness Leisure.

"We've signed an agreement with the Council and will be offering discounts right away. Highland Council are issuing High Life ~ Young Scot cards free of charge through Highland secondary schools and our facilities will naturally be an attraction to holders.

"In addition to the Leisure Waters offer, which we're sure will have a major uptake, we'll be offering a 10 per cent discount on using the Leisure Waters at all times out with the 4-8 pm period.

"We'll also be giving 10 per cent off the cost of other activities such as using the sports hall for badminton, basketball, football, etc and the climbing wall. There will be the same reduction for the health suite, though safety rules require that this is limited to 16 year olds and over."

Mr Martin added: "The object of this initiative is to encourage healthy living amongst young people and we're very willing to assist our Highland Council partners in developing this agenda.

"The problems with lack of exercise amongst young people are of concern to the Scottish Executive and Inverness is no exception to this trend, which has long term health and lifestyle disadvantages.

"We see the other side of the coin every day with so many healthy, happy youngsters enjoying themselves in our facility. But this new card scheme will address affordability and opportunity. It will make it easier for more to join in the fun and exercise - and help others to come along more often, coming twice a week will save them £12.80. So they can have a splash and save cash!"

Provost of Inverness, Councillor Bill Smith visited the Aquadome to meet some young people who were using their cards for the first time. He said: "The new High Life ~ Young Scot brand has recently been launched in the Highlands I am delighted that the Aquadome has given it their seal of approval by signing up as a new discounter. I would urge other companies in the Highlands to apply for discounter status so that they too can develop positive relationships with young people in the Highlands, who are not just potential customers but also potential employees."

The award-winning Inverness Leisure complex is the number one leisure visitor attraction in the North of Scotland.

25 Apr 2006