Work on the North Kessock Hall project is now underway

North Kessock Hall Project to 2025 has commenced. Planning permission and building warrant granted and with all funding in place.  Phase1 addresses energy efficiency and renewable energy options as identified in an Energy Audit set up by Community Energy Scotland and The Highland Council Black Isle Ward.  Phase 2 would be subject to future funding at a later date and would relate to hall interior upgrade/refurbishment. Phase 1 is the first phase of a 15 year plan.

The £119,000 project involves  insulation and replacement of hall ceiling for minimising heat loss and improved accoustics; removal of polycarbonate strip windows with upgrade to glass blocks for low maintenance and energy efficiency; T8 fluorescent tube lighting system throughout hall for improved lighting and reduced electricity bills, and there will be new ventilators with an improved control system. There will be replacement of the old inefficient oil boiler, with a biomass boiler, pellet store, and heating installation. The heating will extend to include the meeting room. The result will be reduced heating costs and reduced carbon emissions and a more comfortable environment for hall users. Solar energy installation with two solar panels and connection to hot water supply will provide constant hot water to kitchen and toilets. The hall walls received cavity wall insulation, funded by CARES, in a previous project application.

Substantial funding has been gratefully received from Scottish Government and the European Community Highland LEADER 2007-2013 Programme (£68,344), the Community and Renewable Energy Scheme (CARES) administered by Community Energy Scotland (£39,833); The Highland Council’s Black Isle Ward Budget (£5,000), together with additional fundraising and voluntary input from the North Kessock community the project would not have been possible. Councillor Isobel McCallum who Chairs the Greening the Black Isle, Community Energy Group said, “I am delighted that all the hard work which has been put in over the last year or so is now coming to fruition and that projects to improve the halls in North Kessock, Munlochy, Avoch and Findon, Culbokie are now underway.  The projects would not have been possible without the excellent partnership working between the communities in the Black Isle and the public agencies.  Funding is of course essential but so too is support and encouragement as the amount of time and hard work that goes into to bringing forward such projects cannot be underestimated.  It has been a big learning curve for us all.”

The project timing is weather dependant but it is taking place now and for the forthcoming weeks. Community hall users are kept well informed through website and any new booking enquiries are encouraged to contact the Bookings Secretary.  North Kessock Hall, by using energy efficient measures will be sustainable, providing a much improved environment for our hall users. Improved heating, improved lighting, improved accoustics and lower heating and lighting bills!

17 Jan 2011