Munlochy Hall - planning for their future

Munlochy Hall Management Committee is delighted to confirm that its applications for funding of up to £54,073 to the European Community Highland LEADER 2007-2013 Programme, and of £12,500 to the Scottish Government’s Community and Re-newable Energy Scheme (CARES) have been successful.
The Hall Committee have also received a contribution of £6,000 from The Highland Council’s Black Isle Ward Discretionary Fund.

This means that the Committee will now be able to install a new Bio-mass Boiler which should help reduce the Hall’s carbon-emissions and heating costs, and low-energy lighting which should also be more cost effective.

Munlochy Hall was built in the late 1800s and was purchased by the local community in 1970.  Since then the Hall has continued to be a very popular venue, used by many local clubs, and also groups from further afield, the local primary school and pre-school, for a range of fund-raising, social and sport activities. However, the Hall wished to upgrade its facilities and applied last year for funding for the installation of a Bio-mass boiler and low-energy lighting.

Dave Cran, Chairman of the Hall Committee said “This is an important step in maintaining the Hall to the standards that the local Community would now expect. Munlochy Hall has served many generations and by keeping the Hall up to date and more efficient it should continue to do so for many more years to come. It is only by receiving funding from the Highland LEADER Programme and CARES and The Highland Council’s Black Isle Ward that this work is possible.”

Councillor Isobel McCallum who chairs the Greening the Black Isle, Community Energy Group said: “Munlochy Hall is a lovely old building.  The Hall Committee have worked very hard to bring about this improvement project which will yield long term savings in the heating bills for the Hall.  The Hall Committee are an able group and the community as a whole will enjoy the benefits both in terms of warmth and savings.   It has been a pleasure working closely with Munlochy Hall Committee and the other Black Isle Community Facilities Groups.  I would like to thank all involved for their dedication and hard work in this community effort and to recognize the input from the officers of Community Energy Scotland, Leader and the Highland Council’s Black Isle Ward for their efforts and support in bringing the Black Isle Halls projects to fruition.”

19 Jan 2011