Fort William school consultation

A consultation has begun to find a site for the proposed new school for Fort William which will see the amalgamation of Fort William Primary School and Upper Achintore Primary School. The proposed new school will feature enhanced facilities including a school library, community hall and sporting facilities.

The Highland Council is now consulting with those affected by the decision to amalgamate the schools on the best site for the new school building.  A report published by the Council explains the detail in relation to the selection decision, factors and costs related to two possible sites including:

• the Angus Centre site is situated just off Angus Crescent where the Angus Centre currently sits; and

• the Lundavra Road site is situated on the West side of Lundavra Road in what is currently a green-field site.

The consultation continues until 25 February. The Council's Education, Culture and Sport Committee will decide the matter on Thursday 10 March, 2011.

A public exhibition and public meeting are being organised for people to attend.

The exhibition will be on 3 February from 10am for anyone in the community to drop into Fort William Library, Airds Crossing, High Street, Fort William, PH33 6EU.  Detailed information on the proposals for each site will be on display and there will an opportunity to speak to Council officials on the subject.

At 7pm on 3 February 2011, there will be a public meeting in the Council Chambers, Lochaber House, High Street, Fort William, PH33 6EL.

Members of the public are invited to submit their comments:

• via a discussion forum on the Council’s website at

• via e-mail: ; or

• in writing to - Ron MacKenzie, Head of Support Services, The Highland Council, Education Culture and Sport Service, Glenurquhart Road, Inverness IV3 5NX.

19 Jan 2011