A packed Summer of activities for Dingwall teenagers

Young people from the Dingwall area need not be bored this summer holiday due to the fantastic range of activities organised by Highland Council’s Youth Work team.  The activity programme, which is open to young people aged 12-19 from the Dingwall Academy school catchment, has something for everyone.  Teenagers will be able to walk on water with Boots n Paddles’ WoW Balling activity, Canadian canoe down the beautiful River Conon, have a night time kick about with the Ross County Community Coaches on the Street Football kit, splatter their mates at paintball and aim for the target at archery. 
Fusion Saturday night sessions also makes a welcome return to Dingwall Leisure Centre on the 9th and 23rd July.  The programme for this is also full with activities including Zumba, Indian Head Massage and football.
Weekly youth clubs in Maryburgh on Tuesday nights and Conon Bridge on Thursdays will also continue to run throughout the summer.  The clubs will be running their own summer programmes and always welcome new members.
Fiona Richardson, Youth Development Officer for Dingwall said:  “We are really looking forward to the 2011 Summer Programme.  We have planned our activities based on what the young people have requested and we are teaming up with other agencies and providers to ensure our programme is of high quality and great fun.  Most of our activities are free, due to the great support from the Dingwall and Seaforth Councillors and the Youth Discretionary Budget, and where we have had to charge, we have done this at a much reduced rate.  We want to make sure everyone from our area can access the programme.”
For a full listing of the Dingwall programme and for all other areas visit http://www.highlandactivities.org.uk/
For more information on Youth Work opportunities and activities for the Dingwall area please contact Fiona Richardson or Lindsay Mcgarry on 01349 868249.


4 Jul 2011