Lochaber street lighting trials

The Highland Council is about to start trialling various options to reduce street lighting energy costs in the Lochaber area.

The trials, to run from mid July until early December, will take place at locations in Banavie, Strontian, Kinlochleven and Fort William.  It follows on from responses received from members of the public as part of the council’s Budget Consultation held last year.

Vice Chairman of the TECs Committee, Councillor Brian Murphy said:  “As part of our budget consultation we asked the question – Can we reduce our street lighting? The majority of responses we received suggested we look at ways to cut down both the length of time street lights were in operation and the number of lights in use.  Across the Highlands we are now holding trials to look at ways of saving money, cutting the amount of energy we use and assessing the effect on local communities who are taking part.  Once the trials are completed the findings will be collated and a report will be presented to our TECs Committee.”

During the trials a number of options will be looked at including disconnecting every second street light and dimming the lights during certain hours. Also as part of the trials customer comments will be gathered and the police and local community councils will be asked for their feedback too.

Anyone with any queries should contact The Highland Council’s Lighting Manager Andrew Matheson on 01463 703166 or e-mail andrew.matheson@highland.gov.uk.



5 Jul 2011